Deep Industry Knowledge With an Insider’s Perspective

Our government contracts team provides litigation, transactional and regulatory advice to clients of all sizes, primarily for energy, finance and technology companies operating in the public sector marketplace.

We understand the unique challenges facing companies doing business with the US federal government and help companies find complete and efficient solutions that further their business objectives. Our team works with lawyers in other Bracewell practices on transactions involving government contractors, including on issues related to due diligence, novations, change-of-name agreements, foreign ownership and facility clearance.

Our team of seasoned lawyers is also experienced in navigating the unique aspects of procurement fraud investigations and prosecutions. In recent years, the US Department of Justice has announced several initiatives to devote more resources to enforcement of procurement fraud, such as the Procurement Collusion Strike Force and the Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative, which utilizes the False Claims Act to pursued cybersecurity-related fraud by government contractors and grantees. In addition, the government’s incorporation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements in federal produce and grants will open new avenues for enforcement. Our lawyers understand the complex and evolving regulatory framework associated with doing business with the government and see the “big picture” when representing clients in parallel criminal, civil and administrative investigations to deliver complete results to companies and individuals.

We are experienced in representing clients in a range of government contracts litigation matters, including:

  • government and internal investigations, including matters related to procurement fraud, procurement integrity, the Anti-Kickback Act, the Byrd Amendment, public corruption, bid rigging, small business disputes and cost accounting
  • False Claims Act, including matters related to healthcare, defense and national security, food safety and inspections, federally insured loans and mortgages, highway funds, small business contracts, agricultural subsidies, disaster relief and import tariffs
  • bid protests, including both as intervenor and protestor
  • claims and disputes litigation, including matters under the Contract Disputes Act
  • ethics and compliance, including the establishment of compliance programs, corporate compliance reviews and trainings, and codes of conduct, policies and procedures required under the Federal Acquisition Regulation
  • Government Services Administration (GSA) and Veterans Administration (VA) scheduling contracts
  • suspension and disbarment