Rachel Goldman is a commercial litigator with over 25 years of experience in federal and state courts, at the trial and appellate levels, and in both domestic and international arbitration proceedings. She represents clients in various sectors, including renewable and conventional energy, construction and infrastructure, finance and private equity. Her practice focuses on complex commercial disputes, including construction disputes, financial services, securities litigation and bankruptcy litigation. Rachel’s practice also includes challenges to government action under the Commerce, Takings and Supremacy Clauses, and First Amendment and libel actions. In addition, she is actively involved in the firm’s compliance and monitorship matters.
Rachel is a co-chair of Bracewell’s environmental, social and governance practice and also co-chair of the firm’s pro bono committee.
Her prior experience, both representing the government and serving as in-house counsel, provides a valuable perspective of client needs and objectives.
Before joining Bracewell, Rachel was a vice president and in-house counsel with a management consulting and investment firm where she advised on contracts, compliance, regulatory and employment matters, joint ventures and investment opportunities. Rachel also managed all litigation for the firm and was responsible for managing outside counsel.
Rachel began her career as an assistant corporation counsel in the New York City Law Department, Office of the Corporation Counsel. In that capacity, she represented municipal officials and the City of New York in various federal and state cases. As an assistant corporation counsel, she gained unique experience in constitutional law, including First Amendment and Takings litigation. She also prosecuted criminal matters on behalf of the Corporation Counsel’s Office. Rachel received an award from the Association of the Bar of the City of New York for Outstanding Achievement as an assistant corporation counsel.