During his 48 year career at Bracewell, Dan Witschey has focused on providing thoughtful, practical advice to companies, their boards of directors, and committees. Adept in both the mergers and acquisitions and securities arenas, Dan also regularly counsels on corporate governance matters and fiduciary duties. He is an elected Fellow of the American College of Governance Counsel, a professional, educational, and honorary association of lawyers recognized for their achievements in the field of governance.

In addition to practicing law, for the last decade Dan has also been active in writing it as Secretary of the ABA’s 25-member Corporate Laws Committee. That Committee drafts and revises the Model Business Corporation Act, which has been substantially adopted as the corporation law of 34 states and is widely acknowledged as the most influential corporation statute in the U.S. after Delaware’s General Corporation Law.

An avid musician, Dan is also the principal double bass of the Houston Civic Symphony, Houston’s oldest amateur orchestra.