Leslie Selig Byrd has over 40 years of experience exclusively representing employers in labor and employment issues and controversies. She has been involved in hundreds of administrative investigations, as well as administrative proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the United States Department of Labor, Wage & Hour Division, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Leslie defends employers in federal and state employment law litigation, and is also a qualified mediator, limiting her work as a mediator to labor and employment litigation.

Leslie also represents employers in the growing number of national FLSA collective actions involving issues such as white collar and other exemptions, misclassification, independent contractor status, salaried status, hours of work, regular rate and overtime calculation, and issues unique to the service, manufacturing, and energy industries in federal court as well as in arbitration. Leslie and Bracewell’s FLSA collective action group are knowledgeable on the highly technical issues involving FLSA regulatory compliance and procedural and substantive issues involving jurisdiction, offers of judgment, conditional certification and decertification and summary judgment.

Leslie’s experience includes affirmative action plan preparation and compliance with Executive Order 11246 and related affirmative action federal statutes. She has handled complex jurisdictional, hiring, compensation and other issues before the Office of Administrative Law Judges and the Appeal Review Board. Leslie and Bracewell’s compliance and audit team also guide service and construction federal contractors and federal assistance recipients through OFCCP compliance reviews and provide innovative compliance and risk adverse strategies. In NLRB related matters, Leslie represents employers in collective bargaining agreement negotiations and administration, unfair labor practices and arbitrations. She frequently advises and trains on legal issues involving the employment relationship, always with a focus on the importance of respect and dignity of the individual.