October 26, 2023 | Managing IP | 1 minute read

Kit Crumbley recently addressed with Managing IP his move to Bracewell and assisting clients with navigating USPTO policy shifts.

Crumbley said now was a good time to return to private practice to use his experience on the client side.

He also highlighted the USPTO’s increased use of the director review process, which it implemented in June 2021.

“That’s something I saw on the inside. I think there’s not a lot being done on that outside of the USPTO for clients. I wanted to find somewhere that would be interested in exploring that side of things with me.”

He added that he hoped to help clients submit public comments in response to the USPTO’s proposed rules and to have meetings with companies about what is happening and what to expect.

“Giving clients some sort of feel for the lay of the land is a tough thing when things shift so rapidly,” he noted.

Crumbley also hopes to hold meetings with government officials in time.

He added that he is open to working with clients in a wide range of industries but was particularly attracted to Bracewell’s presence in the energy sector, especially given the growing importance of renewable energy.

“I think that’s a very fertile ground for IP going forward. Being able to explore that was very interesting to me.”