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Environmental Essentials: Citizen Suits

Increasingly, opponents of pipelines and other projects are using environmental citizen suit mechanisms to create obstacles to development. This month, Bracewell’s Environmental Essentials webinar will provide a tour through the various citizen suit authorities, identify valuable defenses, especially with respect...

ESG - A Look Ahead

Environmental, social, and governance issues are mainstreaming. Where is it heading next? Join Partner Kevin Ewing for a short update on all things ESG – challenges, risks, standards, and strategies. Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. CT

RMP Rule: What's Going On?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted revisions to the federal Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule in December 2019, undoing some – but not all – of the program changes adopted in the final days of the Obama administration. Please...


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